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Boxe Académie


Objective: School dropout is a worrying phenomenon in the Quebec society. Although the annual dropout rate in Quebec has Decreased from 21.9% in 1999-2000 to 16.2% in 2010-2011, the Phenomenon remains present and leads to impoverishment, problems of adaptation or delinquency. We believe that the practice of olympic boxing, a competitive sport requiring good lifestyle, a high level of concentration, an exemplary level of discipline and a very good physical condition will have a deterrent effect on school dropouts and a positive effect on their academic performance.

Identification of athletes: Initial identification of candidates and academic follow-up will be done at the social workers that operate in the Antoine de Saint-Exupéry High School in Saint-Léonard. The management of the program and the sports activity will be done by the Ludus  Boxing club also located in Saint-Leonard at 2.7 km from the High School.


Financing: The project was be fully funded by the grant requested from PME-MTL. Access to the gym, equipment and Olympic boxing training activities will be free for identified students. The student will have to pay the fees to obtain his boxing passport and fees associated with the competitions.


Recruitment: 10 students (5 boys and 5 girls) will be targeted according to the following criteria:

  • The student attends or will attend Antoine de Saint-Exupery high school,

  • The student will have to be identified at high risk of dropout by the school institution.

  • Priority will be given to students.of the first cycle

  • The student will have to demonstrate a minimum of interest in boxing.

  • Priority will be given to students living in an impoverished  environment.


Program execution: The program will be conducted from Late january to Late December. During this period the student will have access to the sports center after school from Monday to Friday in order to participate in the competitive olympic boxing activities.

*Note that the student will have to go to school to access the gym. Any drop-out from school will end the student's participation. The student may be replaced by another student for the rest of the duration of the program.

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Papillon Program     *** Searching for financing***



The goal of the Papillon Project is to create a stable environment through the practice of Olympic boxing for students transitioning from elementary school to high school. The practice of Olympic boxing will also stimulate key aspects of a student's psychological development through increased self-esteem, confidence, discipline, emotional control and the adoption of a good life habit.


Transition is defined as a "period of time during which the child gradually adjusts to the new physical, social and human environment" Successful quality school transition refers to a smooth transition between two periods for the teenager, their family, and the adults around them. It means a mutual adjustment of the different environments to favor the success of the adolescent taking into account the school, individual, family, social and cultural factors. Young people go through several transitions before reaching adulthood and each can be potentially problematic. These stages are even more difficult to overcome when the youth are at the same time experiencing a transition in terms of their physical and emotional development during the transition to secondary school. The transition period from primary to secondary school is, according to the literature, the most decisive in terms of school perseverance; it is a period of intense adaptation for the young person, who faces several challenges, both physically and psychologically, socially and environmentally. Several studies converge on the same observation concerning the effects of school transition and its impact on youth perseverance and academic success.


Several researchers have noted the following effects, of varying intensity, in young people:

  • The rupture of social bonds;

  • Isolation; 

  • Performance anxiety;

  • A decrease in academic performance

  • A decline in interest in school subjects;

  • A negative attitude towards the school and the teaching staff;

  • A decrease in self-esteem.


Boxing is a physical activity that promotes fitness, but it also has psychological benefits. First of all, it allows you to let off steam after a long and difficult day and free yourself from its tensions. Boxing promotes the development of concentration, management of stress and emotions, discipline as well as surpassing oneself. There are many psychological benefits attributed to the practice of Olympic boxing. The technical elements of boxing help to develop discipline and concentration, other aspects that can help self-control. Boxing makes it possible to realize that one has a certain strength that one can control and increase the control of oneself and one's environment. It is an enormous psychological lever that allows you to gain confidence and confidence. Boxing remains a sport accessible to all and seems to directly affect the factors determining the academic success mentioned above. We would therefore like to propose this program which would use educational boxing (contactless) in order to promote a smooth transition of students from Grade 6 to the first year of High school.



Ten (10) youth, five (5) boys and five (5) girls, from grade 6 from the surrounding schools would be enrolled in the educational boxing program and hosted at the Ludus Sports Center during the two school years of transitions being the Grade 6 elementary school and the first year of secondary school.


The sessions will be offered after school from 15h to 16h15, five (5) days a week. During these sessions, they would practice a playful boxing based on the learning and the mastery of the technical movements and the tactical behaviors. This practice of boxing will be based on agility and physical literacy.



We believe that the butterfly project is innovative and responds to several determinants of successful quality school transition specifically for youth who will have several deficient factors. It should also be noted that this project will also have repercussions on another important issue in the east of Montreal, such as a less active population in the east end of Montreal raised by the Topo 2017 survey of the regional directorate of the public health. A similar point is also raised by ParticipACTION's 2018 Physical Activity Bulletin, which reports that only 35% of youth aged 5-17 meet the recommended levels of physical activity for their age group. This same paper reports the benefits of physical activity on academic performance with its expert statement section on physical activity and brain health in children and youth "The current state of knowledge highlights the relationships between physical activity and cognitive processes. Several studies support a positive relationship between physical activity, function and brain structure. Physical activity helps children and youth learn better, solve problems more creatively and develop a healthier brain. Children and youth who are less active or who have neurological disorders are the ones who would benefit the most from moving more. " This expert statement applies to all children and youth (under the age of 18), including those with neurological disorders regardless of gender, cultural background or socio-economic status.

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